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Great sports results this week!

Our U17 girls soccer team beat Ballinteer CS 7-0 on Monday! Our 1st year footballer boys beat Kennedy College by a handsome margin! 1B attended a wheelchair basketball tournament in Mardyke Arena in UCC! The Junior lady footballers beat Selskar College 12-07 to 1-0.

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Stand Up! Week 2020

Stand Up Awareness Week is a time for second-level schools in Ireland to join us and take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. This week is an opportunity for schools to look at how they can make them safe and supportive places for LGBTI+ students. It is unacceptable...

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College Applications – Presentation by Ms. Harris

College-Applications.ppt2020-1Download Lots happening in RCS for College Awareness Week - A group of students visited Solas on Monday, Ms. Harris organised a Parents evening for College Applications, all 2nd years are visiting WIT Tuesday, a group of students will visit Trinity on Friday, Teachers have had guest speakers meet with...

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Alfie is off to NASA!

Alfie in TY has been one of only a few dozen students in the WORLD to be selected for a week ling visit to a NASA station in America in Feb 2020! He has been admitted tot he Honeywell Leadership Challenge Academy 2020!!!

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