Green Schools

This year our Green School’s Committee has been working extremely hard securing the Green Flag for RCS. Stage 1 of the green Flag focuses on Litter and Recycling. The TY team lead by Ms. Kent highlighted litter blackspots around the school. All bins have now been labelled indicating the correct waste that should go into each. A comprehensive report was written and submitted by the TYS. A new noticeboard has been set up and is very informative. Wexford Co. Council sent a rep out to the school in March to assess the school and the results will be known in April.

A big well done to Ms. Kent and the TY’s.

RCS also took part in the Loreto Wexford YSI project entitled the ‘TreeMuskateers’. RCS has pledged to plant 10 trees on school grounds for the next 5 years. The YSI group have reached the YSI All Ireland final with their campaign. We wish them the very best of luck!