RCS Support Services

Pastoral Care and Counselling:
The Schools pastoral care and guidance service may be divided into three categories:

Vocational Guidance
This has many aspects. It includes: the maintenance of an up-to-date careers’ information library; Individual career guidance interviews; class and individual guidance on subject choice; the administration of ability, aptitude, and career interests assessments; comprehensive training in job application and interview techniques; visits to career exhibitions and third level institutions. Work experience, job placement, and a comprehensive personal reference service is also provided.

Educational Guidance
Individual help with learning, reading and other difficulties encountered by students in the educational process is available. A comprehensive study and examination techniques programme is also followed.

Orientation Day Programme for First Years ….A tour of the School in small groups is followed by students meeting their class teacher. A specially prepared folder is presented to each student containing notes on………; the history of the School; changes from primary to secondary school; extra-curricular activities in the School and guidelines for study, both in the classroom and at home.

When our First Year students have settled in, a further meeting is organised for parents. On this occasion, the Principal, Deputy-Principal, staff and parents of First Years meet to discuss any settling-in difficulties which parents may be experiencing. It is also an opportunity for parents to raise questions about the first year curriculum, about the schools extra-curricular programme, and to acquaint themselves more fully with the facilities available in the school.

Parents of all classes are welcome to visit the School, to meet with the Principal, Deputy-Principal, Year Head, Class Tutor, Chaplain, Guidance Counsellor or subject teachers to discuss their students progress through the year by appointment with the secretary. Parent-Teacher Meetings are also arranged. A School Newsletter is sent to parents.

A personal, confidential counselling service is available to all students. Counselling gives support to young people to face up to the many problems of adjustment and identity, while providing a warm and confident climate in which they may talk openly and honestly, about themselves and their feelings.

The counsellor helps and supports students in coping with and facing up to lifes difficulties enabling them to pull on their strengths and become aware of their weaknesses in order to cope with what the future can bring.