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Enrolment is now closed for 1st Years September 2021

Click on the link to fill in an enrolment form for 1st years starting secondary school in September 2021 Enrolment Form This link will remain open until October 23rd 2020. Admission to ASD class - please click on this link below and complete this online form ASD CLASS...

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Student Council 2020

43 students were elected from all year groups to represent the student voice this year in RCS. I have emailed you the names from each class. We had our first meeting last Thursday where Mikey O'Regan was elected as chairperson, Adam Kelly as Deputy Chairperson and Rachael Kennedy as Secretary....

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Board of Management Nominees

As Secretary to the Board of Management of Ramsgrange Community School I am now seeking nominees for the two positions of Parent Nominee to the Board of Management for its new term 2021-2024. Should you wish to nominate somebody please email me - name, student in school and confirmation that...

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RCS Covid-19 Student Return to School Form

This Covid-19 Response Plan is designed to support the staff and Board of Management (BOM) in putting measures in place that will prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Ramsgrange Community School. The Covid-19 Response Plan details the policies and practices necessary for a school to meet the Government’s ‘Return to...

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