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School Calendar and Dates 2021 2022

Monday 11th October 2021  Staff Meeting Monday 25th October – Friday 29th  Oct 2021 Midterm Break Thursday 18th November 2021 6th year and LCA 2 Parent Teacher Meeting Monday 22nd November 2021 3rd year Parent Teacher Meeting Tuesday 30th November 2021 1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting Wednesday 8th December 2021...

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Subject Choice Bulletin for Parents of 3rd and 4th years

Subject-Choice-Parent-Bulletin-2021Download Dear Parent/Guardian, We are now working on Subject and Programme Choice for our 3rd and 4th year students for next year. This is a very important time for making decisions moving into either Transition Year, LCA or traditional 5th year. Below are some points of information that include very...

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Student and Parent Guidelines LC & AGs

Guide-for-Parents-LCDownload Guide for Students LCDownload Guide to State Examinations and Accredited Grades - 25 Feb 2021 (1)Download Assessment-ChangesDownload 0037-2020-Implementation-of-Calculated-Grades-Model-For-Leaving-Certif...Download LCA-changesDownload Music-ChangesDownload LCVP-ChangesDownload SEC-Leaving-Certificate-Oral-Language-Examinations-2021-Guidance-to-School-ManagementDownload

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#GRMA Day – Friday Dec 11th #GRMA DAY – Friday December 11th To acknowledge and celebrate the work being done in our school communities in maintaining a safe environment in which our children can enjoy attending school, 11 December 2020 is nominated as a day in which all of us can join together to say...

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