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Ramsgrange Community School Battery Drive

Last year students, staff and the local community of Ramsgrange Community School were busy collecting batteries for two very worthy causes. In October 2022, WEEE Ireland launched a competition calling on all primary and secondary schools to organise a battery recycling drive so that they could be recycled with WEEE...

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LATE APPLICATIONS Enrolment into RCS for September 2023

You can fill out an enrolment for your child for September 2023 by clicking on the link below. All applications received AFTER 24th October are deemed LATE APPLICATIONS. Заповнити заявку на зарахування дитини на вересень 2023 року можна за посиланням нижче. Усі заявки, отримані ПІСЛЯ 24 жовтня, вважаються ПІЗНІШИМИ.

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Booklists & School Transport 2023/2024

Booklists 2023 2024 First-Year-Booklist-September-2023-2024Download Second-year-Booklist-2023-2024Download Third-year-Booklist-2023-2024Download Transition-Year-Booklist-2023-2024Download Fifth-Year-Booklist-September-2023-2024Download Sixth-Year-Booklist-2023-2024Download LCA-Booklists-2023-2024Download Closing Date for new Applicants is 28th April 2023 School-Transport-Application-ProcessDownload

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