What should a student learn in junior cycle?
The learning at the core of junior cycle is described in twenty-four statements of
learning. These statements describe what students should know, understand, value
and be able to do at the end of junior cycle, having fully engaged with and
participated in the junior cycle programme of their school.
The statements, underpinned by the eight principles, provide the basis for schools to
plan for, design and evaluate their junior cycle programmes. That process of planning
focuses on the combination of curriculum components (subjects and short courses)
and other learning experiences. Schools will ensure that all statements of learning,
along with literacy and numeracy and other key skills feature in the programmes of all
junior cycle students. They do not set out everything the student can learn in junior
cycle. But they are an important guide for students and their parents in relation to
what they should expect from junior cycle. They can also provide a reference point
for schools reporting to parents on the progress and achievement of students. The
detailed learning outcomes will be clearly set out in subject and short course
Click on the link above to see the poster for all 24 statements for the new JC2.