HSCL – Home School Community Liaison


The role of the HSCL is to provide a source of help and support between home and school. It promotes partnership to ensure pupils fully engage in school life. It is a preventative strategy which targets pupils at risk of not reaching their full potential in the education system or leaving school early. It takes a whole school approach recognising parents as the primary educators of their children.


The role of the HSCL Co-ordinator is to work closely with parents to give them the support needed to enhance the education of their child. This support can be through direct contact, provision of parent classes and involvement in school activities.

Home Visits

Home visits are a central and essential part of a Co-ordinator’s work. Home visits raise parent’s expectations for their children’s future. Some direct outcomes include improved attendance and increased contact with the school. Parent’s become aware that schools and teachers are more accessible.

Classes and Activities for Parents

Classes are organized throughout the year for parents. They are funded by the school (through HSCL scheme/DEIS) and WWETB.

Classes include;

· Hair and beauty

· Art

· Horticulture

· Woodwork

· Health and Nutrition

· Cookery

· Parents Plus

Other Activities involve;

ü Open Days in 3rd level colleges for Parents

ü Coffee mornings for parents of various year groups

ü Information talks and meetings

ü Attendance Meetings

ü Paired reading and Maths for Fun

ü Transfer programme from 6th class to 1st year

ü Homework club for 1st and 2nd years


The co-ordinator works closely with SWWFRC, Tusla, Education Welfare Officer and many other organisations that can help better the outcomes for our school community.

The HSCL makes visits each year to primary schools in order to strengthen links and share information regarding incoming 1st years. This is invaluable to initiate early links and supports for parents as necessary.


The Cabin (beside the old school) is exclusively for the use of our parents and parent activities in RCS. Parents are welcome any time (when restrictions are lifted or by appointment at present).

Contact Details:

Co-Ordinator: Sharon McDermott

Mobile Number: 089 2211764

Email: Sharon.mcdermott@rcswexford.ie