Social Media – RCS official accounts

X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, School Website –  usage and replies

We use our Social Media accounts as a broadcast tool only to share information with people who are interested in our School, in particular Students, Parents, Teachers and the local community.

We do not use our Social Media accounts as a discussion forum: we generally do not engage with tweets and/or messages addressed to us except in exceptional circumstances e.g. unforeseen school closure, critical incident.

Sending a message via any of our Social Media platforms is not considered as contacting the school for official purposes.

The best means of communicating a query to RCS is by contacting the office on 051389211.

Please do not include personal/private information about you or anybody else if you contact us through social media.

We reserve the right to block and report inappropriate and abusive comments/messages.

We will tweet/ publicise:

  • New information for parents and students
  • Links to new research reports, policies or guidelines
  • Events, such as our annual awards, parent teacher meetings, coffee mornings, school closures, sports results, student achievements etc.
  • Alerts about new content on our website